QIP-000: Abstract
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To incentivise node running decentralisation while reducing an external enginnered side-attack Quantum Computing (QC) minor risk.
There is almost half million of unmigrated Quanta as per address Q010500e587fd07bb1c5ace98956d9aa6c347e7114ccb4ec7183baa54804cc8b974e91cc3b5617e
These native QRL tokens are exchangable for QRL ERC-20 tokens as per initial 2017 ETH from the ERC contract 0x697beac28B09E122C4332D163985e8a73121b97F at 1:1 ratio.
There was an atutomatic migration QRL ERC-20 -> Quanta window that the team deployed back in 2017. That window was closed 4 years ago.
To migrate them today, there is a non-public disclosed manual migration proccess which involves the QRL ERC-20 owner to stablish communication with the QRL foundation.
As QC grows, ETH and ERC remains vulnerable to factorization algorithms such as Shor’s, there is a minor chance that a malicious actor with access to powerfull QC would try to breach one, if not several, QRL ERC-20 in near future.
Hereby, since its has been 4 years already, I do propose here a fair QRL re-distribution of these non-claimed Quanta funds to all active node peers in the QRL chain.
Mathematical Distribution Model TBD - could be X per block/luck, a simple decay curve, per uptime running, or a combiantion.
The idea is to one, mitigate once for all external QC risk, and two, promote node running.
Specially for those running low power node devices such a Raspberry Pi, until Proof-of-Stake arrives and beyond 🚀
Backward compatibility
Those that don’t migrate their QRL ERC-20 tokens from ETH chain on a set time, well though luck.
A liability study shall be conducted before this QIP passes or pushes the final “burning” code.
The “Robin Hood Effect” may not land equally for those who still have QRL ERC-20 tokens under control.
A hard-fork will likely be required in order to set the new distributive model for the unmigrated address.
Security Considerations
This QIP suggest the mitigation of an external QC side-attack while promoting and incetivising a healthy quanta redistribution for the active participants.
Nuke from orbit–it’s the only way.
Please cite this document as:
, "QIP-000: Abstract," QRL Improvement Proposals, no. , . Available: https://www.theqrl.org/qips/QIP-000.